
Modern Slavery Statement

Blinds4You ("the Company") is an independent British Company that manufactures and distributes window blinds systems and fabrics.

The UK Modern Slavery Act requires the Company to disclose the steps it has taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in the UK business or the supply chain relating to goods which are purchased and sold in the UK.

This financial year, the Company has taken the following steps:

  1. The Company requires its Suppliers and Employees to comply with appropriate standards relating to the use of labour and violation of this may result in the termination of a Supplier / Employee.

  2. Prior to partnering with any Suppliers the Company will conduct an initial screening process which includes the Supplier's completion of a Self-Assessment Questionnaire (Supply Chain Audit) and may include a pre-arranged visit.

  3. The Company is in the process of developing training for its employees who have direct responsibility for supply chain management, particularly with respect to mitigation risks within the supply chain.